“What difference, at this point, does it make…”

…that Congress is now demanding John Kerry answer questions regarding newly revealed information about the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans?

After all, as the former National Security Council spokesperson put it, “Dude, this was like two years ago.”

Maybe, in hindsight, the administration should have done more to help those four besieged Americans, even if such a high-visibility military action might have called into question whether the current President’s foreign policy was worthy of re-election just a couple months later.

Meanwhile, for those Americans who are merely veterans of, rather than casualties of the Empire’s wars, there is little to no reassurance help will be there for them, either:

Department of Veterans Affairs officials were threatened Thursday with a congressional subpoena if they fail to explain the destruction of a secret list of medical appointments at the Phoenix veterans’ hospital and preserve documents for an inspector general’s investigation.

Meanwhile, the agency placed three officials from the Phoenix facility on leave.

Whistleblowers say more than 40 patients died because of delays in treatment while in the Phoenix VA Health Care System.


The conduct of our government on all fronts–enabled by an incestuous relationship with what has become virtually a State media sector–has been so outrageous for so long, it is no wonder a Harvard poll shows less than a third of those aged 18-29 have any trust in it.  That Congress is finally seeing a need to at least posture and bloviate that it may try to hold our prevaricating potentates accountable says more about their read of the public’s mood than it does any commitment to fixing what is structurally and institutionally broken.

**This is why at every campaign stop Hillary makes during the next two years, seeking to finally win what, in her mind, was stolen from her in 2008 by her now-former boss, someone needs to ask her loudly the title of this post (noting that they are her own words).**

These are not times for showpiece hearings that go nowhere.  They are times that call for the fining, firing and/or imprisonment of those–throughout  government–who have misled the public and abused their trust.  They are times that demand for “No Incumbents, Please,” nor the recycling of the degenerate political dynasties that have afflicted this nation for far too long.  Because if We, the People, fail to reset the system in this way, the generation that Harvard just polled is quite likely in their lifetime to have to seek other means of redress.  And that isn’t in anybody’s interest.