Tripling down – and getting personal

I’ve written before about attorney Lin Wood’s accusations against Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Stephen Breyer. Last night, Wood tripled down:

I pointed out before that Wood is an expert defamation lawyer. He is also admitted to practice law before the U.S. Supreme Court. The fact he has not yet been sued, nor barred from the Supreme Court, nor disciplined by his State bar, makes this ongoing series of tweets stand out amid the noise since the election. But don’t count on seeing any coverage of these accusations in the corporate media.

In fact, I’m noting an interesting trend here on WordPress with my humble little blog. The first time I wrote about Wood, I kept getting error messages, failure to save drafts, and such. It also kept trying to block me from using certain tags on the post. I ended up rewriting the entire post before it was over. I chalked it up to imperfections of the internet. Today, however, as I tried to upload the tweet above, WordPress went nuts, claiming I was not an authorized editor of this account, etc. Multiple attempts to add it failed. If you look closely, you’ll see I subtly modified the background color of the tweet by running a few pencil lines of a slightly different color in Photoshop. I then screenshot the open file, capturing another photo behind it on the sides. It then uploaded on the first try with no issue at all.

What does this mean? Given online chatter I’ve seen about algorithms being used by social media to suppress information, it would appear Wood’s tweet has been targeted. Adding other colors to the background and additional information around the side defeated the algorithm.

There’s a saying: once is an accident, twice a coincidence, three times is enemy action. While I’ve only experienced this twice, given that both times it was writing about the same subject, I’m inclined to think we’re beyond coincidence. I moved this site from Blogger to WordPress in 2013. In seven years, I’ve never seen it do what it has with these two posts. I could play devil’s advocate and say social media is squelching defamatory accusations — except the lack of reaction by Roberts, the Supreme Court, and Wood’s home bar seem to indicate they’re not treating them as defamatory.

Make of all this what you will. There are, of course, other things happening these days. Yesterday during a hearing by the Georgia Senate, an IT expert reported a live hack of a Dominion machine in use for the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff races — proving both that the machines are online (they aren’t supposed to be), and can be hacked. In addition, a statistical expert who works with the Department of Justice released a non-official report alleging widespread fraud in Georgia and Pennsylvania during the election. (Note: paragraph edited to clarify the report is not an official DOJ product.)

Stay hopeful and keep praying. Truth always wins in the end, no matter the attempts to block it.

UPDATE: Quadrupling down! When I read this tweet just now, I blurted “Oh my God,” causing my wife momentary concern. Wood has either just committed professional suicide and made himself an outcast for all time, or we’re about to see some extraordinary things. I didn’t have to modify this tweet, but it may be new enough the algorithms aren’t looking for it yet. Stay tuned.

Is the dam about to break?

“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” Luke 12:2-3

Item 1: The corporate media are finally willing to admit Hunter Biden’s business dealings are questionable enough he’s been the subject of an FBI investigation since 2018. Never mind that honest reporting on that would have been more useful before Nov. 3. Apparently Joe Biden’s brother is also under the microscope. Naturally, Senator Chuck Grassley is annoyed at the previous treatment he received from the press when raising these very issues.

Item 2: Republicans in Congress are calling for the removal of Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell from the sensitive House Intelligence Committee, after public revelations in Axios that he was targeted by a Chinese agent who helped his campaigns, and even placed an intern in his office. There are (as yet) unverified accusations the relationship was even closer than that. Ironically, Swalwell was one of the leading voices charging President Trump with being under Russian influence. And as the Axios story makes clear, he was far from the only U.S. official targeted by Christine Fang and her fellow agents.

Item 3: California Senator Dianne Feinstein, last in the national news after it was revealed her personal driver/staffer for 20 years was also a Chinese spy, is now publicly reported to have been confronted by Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer due to her alleged cognitive decline. It just so happens that Feinstein serves on the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence (see a pattern here?). At age 87, Feinstein has probably outlived her usefulness to the Democrats, so why not kick her to the curb to show belated concern over cognitive health in public officials… just in time to remove a projected President Biden from office in favor of Kamala Harris?

Item 4: While the corporate press is desperately trying to convince everyone there’s nothing shady about the Dominion voting systems used in all four of the States currently being sued by Texas and 22 other States, this was not always their story, as this report from NBC just a year ago shows:

The secrecy of ES&S [Dominion’s parent company] and its competitors has pushed politicians to seek information on security, oversight, finances and ownership. This month, a group of Democratic politicians sent the private equity firms that own the major election vendors a letter asking them to disclose a range of such information, including ownership, finances and research investments.

“The voting machine lobby, led by the biggest company, ES&S, believes they are above the law,” said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Intelligence Committee who co-signed the letter. “They have not had anybody hold them accountable even on the most basic matters.” (emphasis added)

ES&S sold a $400 million stake in October 2020 to UBS Securities LLC… a Chinese investment bank and brokerage firm. Let me restate that: less than a month before the 2020 election, $400 million of Chinese funds flowed into a company that owns voting machines used in 28 States.

China has a lot of friends, and increasing influence over what happens here… as they’re starting to admit out loud: