Are answers finally forthcoming?

The Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz will release today his long-anticipated review of the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of personal email and likely mishandling of classified information.  Some observers are concerned the original report, which has been under internal review for some time now, has been modified, watered down and redacted so as to protect some of the partisans thought to be involved.  Which makes this post from Q interesting:

Q on IG report

[RR] refers to Rod Rosenstein, the number 2 at the Department of Justice.  This is not the first time Q has hinted the plan is to allow the Swamp to try another coverup, only to have the President declassify the whole sordid affair.  As someone who used to deal with media relations, I have found Q’s occasional reference to “optics” interesting.  He/she/they seem to indicate much thought has gone into how to reveal the results of what seems an extensive investigation.  Appearances are, indeed, important, and if the Swamp can be completely discredited even as their crimes are brought to light, so much the better.

The post above is one of Q’s less cryptic missives, so it will serve as a good benchmark of the source’s credibility.  This isn’t the first time those who are paying attention to Q have had reason to believe “the trigger’s about to be pulled,” but previous signals have been much more mixed.  There is no doubt about the report’s release today — it’s release has been confirmed by DOJ in recent days.  The question now is “to what effect,” and whether it will withstand withering partisan scrutiny.  So it will be interesting to see just how much is redacted and left to interpretation, and how much is later declassified as a result of the Swamp’s yapping.

So I’ll say what I said a few weeks ago when referencing this source:

The only proper response to Q’s Bible quote is to pray. Pray hard for our nation. Pray for those in authority. Pray for those patriots working to restore good governance. And pray our people have discernment, to tell truth from falsehood.

Remember, any attempt to “Drain the Swamp” is at its heart a spiritual battle.  Evil does not yield ground willingly or easily, and there is much evil at the center of our nation today.

Pray hard, patriots!